I wish now, that I would have brought my video camera, because Price was not the only one who had never played ball before, and some of the places they ran (from home to second, from third to first, and others) were so funny. Price actually went where he was supposed to, but I think it's because he just followed the kid running in front of him! :)
Everyone on Meme's side of the family is very happy that he's a Cardinal!!

He's the one beside his coach (with his hands on his knees) during the other teams bat, he spent the whole time talking to her and telling her about just getting back from Arkansas!

His first time up to bat (they just went through each team's line-up twice). I really wish I would have video taped it... did I mention that??

He's waiting on first. He never ran when the person batting hit the ball... he ran because all the coaches were yelling for all the base runners to run! There was always a 5 second delay where they all watched to see where the ball was going to go, then mad chaotic running! :)

And the highlight of my day was when he was out in the field for the last time, not watching the batter at all (and I was)... I look over to see him running toward me as fast as he could, from across the field. He ran over the pitcher's mound and through two rows of parents on the side... why would he do this, you ask?? He didn't want to lose his lady bug when he had to go after the ball! :) So he brought it to me for safekeeping. The lady bug flew away just after I took her picture... I think she was camera shy!