This is our first Easter away from home. The Easter bunny came last night, and hid eggs in the house because it was SNOWING outside. I'm looking forward to spring, but for some reason, spring just doesn't happen when it is supposed to. Is there a happy medium between the south where it never has winter, and the north where is only has winter!?!? I want to be somewhere medium!! Anyway... here are some pictures of our day today. I'm not naming any of the children in these pictures for fear that someone will see how completely cute they are, and try to steal them! Our friends, FROM LOUISIANA!!, invited us over for FISH... they FRIED FISH, and we ate it. Price was so excited because this fish was "like at Meme's house", and he had two pieces. Just to show you what we were dealing with... we had one four year old, three three year olds, one two year old, and two one year olds. It was a fun day!!
Aren't they just too cute?!?!
This was in front of the alter at the chapel. The flowers were beautiful, but Wesley didn't want to sit still for ANY pictures.
Wesley spent the day going up and down the stairs!!
Price was a little upset with the other kids for wanting to play the Wii... but pretty soon, everyone was sharing!! Isn't Star Wars great!?!?!
1 comment:
Well. I was late to sundayschool cause I had to play Sims as soon as I got up HA. But I got to Susan Stanley's with my big suprise the candle I got out of your trash when you moved and small plactic eggs filled with M&M and a nice B-day card. Almost got ate by their dog so I left the basket on top of the car. and ran on to Jade's to get the don-nuts. I was meat at the door by Molly who said here they are. I told her I was with them and glade she misses me. From there I went to the office where it was the last day for Annie Armstrong so i did totals for Bobby also we were 50>00 away after sunday school so i feel we made it by Sunday night. I also carried a cake to the church for the singing they had at 5:00 Sunday night. After church I went to get Carolyn and we went to Meral's to meet with the others Boyett Tonga Sach and mason ( who didn't sleep a wink Sat. night He is cutting little bay boy toothy. Jack and katheryn farrar and dustin came in time for the egg toast (which farraf and dustin won) I throught the egg over way over tonya head. the other were getting egg alover them so our egg just toke flight and went way over tonya head. we also play a game with marshallow you put them in your mouth and said chuppy bunny three times. we all quite that dustin stayed in almost to the end but he even pulled out ( dustin got the whole 3,000.00 from the people of ther church. we left there and went to take tonga and the boys home ( Boyett was goin to go to work graveyards sunday night so he left early) I was their computer and Carolyn and I want on to Wal-Mart she need to shop so I did some too. I didn't make it bach to church cause they had the singing a 5:00. Well that was my Easter The first with you so far away. ho did I mench daddy had to work. Love you all love the pics Mom.
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