Friday, April 11, 2008

No Museum... but Randomness

Well... we didn't get to go to the Children's Museum like we had planned (get better soon Katie!) so here are just some random shots from the last few weeks/days... I can only load one picture at a time, which is why I haven't wanted to post... it's driving me crazy!!
Sooo... we got a new bird feeder, played outside (almost) naked, watched a squirrel climb a tree all the way to the sky, and enjoyed a car ride with "someone's" new idol... I mean best friend!! That pretty much sums up our life right now. We're counting down the days until we get to come home... see y'all soon!!

The child can't be convinced that he should wear socks anymore... his feet smell aweful every day!! Any idea whose family this came from... I will neither confirm or deny anything, but my feet are very tender, so I'm sure it wasn't me!!

1 comment:

Amy H said...

Love, love, love the pictures "almost" naked!!! Hehehehe. I think all boys do this at one time or another. Sorry about the museum. I forgot all about it until I read this. We had house issues (again) today.