Price could talk about no one but RJ for weeks before we went to AR... he couldn't wait for the school bus to bring RJ to Meme's house. They played all the time (I'm sure RJ wasn't quite as happy as Price was!... well.. maybe he was)...
Wesley didn't have a sword to fight with, but he ran around and yelled like he knew what he was doing. 

Wesley was afraid to walk on the bridge because the first few boards are a little further apart than the rest, and you can see the water between the boards... he would completely stop and walk as slowly as he could all the way across the bridge... it was funny!!
This is the best climbing tree in the world, apparently... Price was in it every time we went to Meme's house. He had so much fun... and everyone takes good pictures in that tree.. something about the lighting I guess!

I'm enjoying reading about what ya'll did in Arkansas. Can't wait to see more pictures!
Love the pic........can't stop looking at those beautiful boys
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