Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Annual Conference

Well... Ron finally made it. He was ordained tonight in Russellville, AR. It was a wonderful service. My parents came as well as Uncle Rusty and Aunt Susan (all the way from Georgia) and Aunt Lena, Uncle James, and Denisha. We were very happy that we had a whole row filled up to stand up when Ron went on stage. I think Price and Wesley decided that we had stayed up too long. Wesley just gave up and went to sleep about 10pm, but Price hung in there until we got back to our room and got him settled. Both boys were excellent today, and they were very well-behaved sitting through that LONG (it was sooo long to them) service tonight.
We have been researching Colorado Springs like crazy recently, and can't wait to get out there. Our computer has been on the fritz, so we ordered a new one (just computer... not monitor or anything else), and since out camera just up and broke one day, we have sent it off to be repaired, and hopefully they will both be back when we get home. We are done with Annual Conference tomorrow, but we have to go stay in Little Rock at the Air Force Base (AFB) because we have a meeting with the Travel Management Office (TMO) on Thursday about them moving us to CO. After the meeting (we're only taking Wesley) we are headed back home. I'm so ready to be home!! We already have a temporary home in CO, and we are very hopeful that we'll be able to live on-base. The housing office in CO said that they can't reserve us a house, but it looks "very good" that we will get a house when we get there. Guess that's all the updates for now. Congratulation all the Ordained Elders of the United Methodist Church.

1 comment:

Carol Anne said...

The ceremony was great, wasn't it? I look forward to keeping up with your family as you embark on a career in the Air Force and serving God. I'm reminded of a time back in 1965 (before y'all were born, I am sure) when Jim made the decision to make the AF his career. It took him longer to answer God's call, but he did answer finally.

Our good wishes and prayers go with you and your beautiful family. If you want to visit my blog sometimes, you can find it at: http://curiouslady.blogster.com/.

May God bless and keep you.

Carol Anne Stone